Feeding Augers

Feeding Augers: These conveyors are made from high-quality AISI 304-316 stainless steel, ensuring compliance with hygiene and food standards. They are designed to transport powdered and granular products within the facility, in accordance with the process, using the auger mechanism built into their structure. Our models also include vibrating feeding tanks.

Custom Production to Meet Your Needs

Manufactured from AISI 304-316 high-quality stainless steel, these conveyors are tailored to transport powdered and granular products within the facility, in accordance with the process, using the auger mechanism built into their structure. They facilitate transportation through the auger mechanism. Our models also include vibrating feeding tanks.

AISI 304-316 High-Quality Stainless Steel Construction

Ergonomic Design

Selection of Belt Suitable for the Product

Custom Industrial Design

Easy to Clean

Locally Manufactured

Compliant with HACCP Standards

3D Drawing Supported Production

Besleme Helezonu

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